Saturday, November 3, 2007

Briefly, About Me

I'm in my late 30s and have one two year old child who will be known as the Turtle here. This is actually one of his many nicknames. He earned this one based on his favorite sleeping position when he was younger. I have been working exclusively from home since August 2005 -- when Turtle was born. I'm married and this is one of those projects that my husband is utterly unaware of -- at this time.

I don't plan to discuss a lot about my husband or even my son. The purpose here is for me to ruminate about working from home in demanding positions with a toddler. I'm lucky because Turtle is a really easy going guy -- for the most part. But, he is two and he definitely shows off his "twoness" at times.

As for my job I teach online at a variety of public, private, for-profit and non-profit institutions. It's not my intention to talk a lot about students or the art and craft of teaching here, either.

My goal is to talk honestly about how I juggle (or don't) the responsibilities of a stay-at-home wife and mother with a toddler and two dogs and the responsibilities of a busy teacher with a number of classes. We'll see how I do. Thanks for reading!